Thursday, April 19, 2007

I'm back!

After two years, now I'm back. Since last year I have been busy with my work. It's difficult for me to find suitable time for me to write. However, after I have seen many people now start writing in their blog I think I want to start back. Hopefully, I can continue writing my blog after this.

Meantime, it will be the second year for me working at this company, my first permanent job ever. However, I am quite disappointed with my current situation. I am still paid like a fresh graduate. Last year, there is no increment for the salary and just get the bonus 6 months after the others got theirs. The payroll said my name has been missed to get the bonus. For this year, my company did not give any bonus because last year target profit was not achieved. Nonsense! How they do the business? The increment that I get is just enough to pay my prepaid! It’s so unfair while my friends (other company) are paid handsomely.

Now, I am looking for a place to work, new company. I really hope that one day I will get a nice place to work with satisfied salary.

By now I am busy to finish the development for system integration. I suppose to finish it by early of May. My colleagues and I have no good motivation to work and stay back since there is no point for us to work hard since no bonus is given. I just can be patient and pay my duty as usual. By the way, Happy Birthday to my mum which celebrate her birthday on 12 April and it's also the last day for her to pay her duty at work. Now she is retired and stay at home with my father.

I think enough for now. Anyhow, I am back!